“These projects ignored a fundamental principle: Quality software doesn’t happen; it’s engineered that way.“ - Grady Booch ---“If you want me to give a one hour speech give me couple of days to prepare for; for one half of one hour, I need one week; for a 5 minute, I need one month.“ - Wiston Churchill --- “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.“ - Charles Darwin ---“Leaders are people who do things right.  Managers are people who do the right things.“ - Peter Drucker ---“There are two parts to a revolution: First, to have to make the people really depressed about what they have.  Second, you have to present them an exciting alternative.“ ---“The big change-related issues aren’t technical.“ – Anonymous --- Try to hire people who are information and knowledge seekers, instead of all tech, no talk.“ - Peter F. Drucker ---“Early on, it is absolutely essential to communicate the business justification for the decision.“ – Anonymous ---“4 + 1 View of Architecture: Logical View, Developmental View, Process View, Physical View, plus Conceptual Test Cases“ - Tibbettes & Bernstein ---“Implementing new technology is a balancing act.  Fast, cheap, and reliable: Pick two.“ – Anonymous ---“The biggest challenge facing modern enterprise is ‘change’.“ - Peter F. Drucker ---“Each component has an architecture in its own right but must ‘fit’ within the architecture of the whole.“ - John Zachman ---“What I see is many people in this industry pushing technology - and not solutions.“ = Anonymous --- “Anything in computer science that’s not recursive is no good.“ - Jim Gray --- “Over 30% of all software projects are canceled before completion; over 70% of the remainder fail to deliver expected features; the average project runs 189% over budget and overshoots its schedule by 222%.“ - Garner Group --- “Everything should be made as simple as possible - but no simpler.“ - Albert Einstein --- “No, no, no, no, no!  Object-oriented concepts aren’t fuzzy and imprecise at all.  It’s only their definitions that are sometimes fuzzy and imprecise.“ ---“For what is clear and easily comprehended attracts; the complicated repels.“ - David Hilbert ---“Sometimes one has to say difficult things, but one ought to say them as simply as one knows how.“- G. Hardy --- “Database management would be simpler if missing values didn’t exist.“ - E. F. Codd ---“Design the system, write all the code, and then spend a few minutes debugging - a nice idea, but one that rarely works.“ (as related to the interactive design) – Anonymous --- “If you cannot - in the long run - tell everyone what you have been doing, your doing has been worthless.“ - Erwin Scroedinger ---  “Even for the physicist the description in plain language will be a criterion of the degree of understanding that has been reached.“ - Werner Heisenberg --- “No vendor has yet delivered a package that offers the configuration management capabilities that customers desire.“ - John McConnell ---“When all else fails, read the instructions.“ - Allen’s Axiom --- “A picture is worth a thousand words.“  “... and several (compressed) megabytes of disk storage“ - Confucius and 20th Century technology ---“A fool with a tool is still a fool.“ - Larry Constantine ---“There are two types of things in life: those we want to have (about 95% of all the things) and the rest, those we (really) need.“ – Anonymous ---“Technology is either immature or obsolete.“ - (via) Vince Pollmeier --- “Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple, and many, as a rule, be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone.“ - Albert Einstein --- “Nothing is ever a complete failure: it can always serve as a bad example.“ - Carlson’s Consolation Law --- “No experiment is ever a complete failure.  It can always serve as a negative example.“ - Arthur Bloch --- “If builders built buildings the way programmers write programs, then the first woodpecker that come along would destroy civilization.“ - Weinberg’s Law --- “The more time you spend in reporting on what you are doing, the less time you have to do anything.“ ---  “Let’s not blow this... let’s not do to Java what our industry did to UNIX.“ - Lou Gernster ---“Those who do not understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.“ - Henry Spencer --- “If everything seems under control, you’re just not going fast enough.“ - Mario Andretti --- “The certainty of defeat is no reason not to fight“. - Charles Reese --- “We discovered a crucial paradox: to go it alone successfully, you have to be a good team player.“ --- “All the top boss wants to know is, what do I get for the million bucks?  He wants to know the business case.“ --- “Just because the information is on the Web doesn’t mean it’s true.“ - Cheryl Currid --- “Unless organizations properly train their workers, there’s no telling what kind of information will be used to make decisions.“ - Cheryl Currid --- “It’s not too late to start designing software for reusability, but it’s not too early, either.“ - Miryam Williamson --- “Reusability hurdles are mainly cultural, not technological.“ - Miryam Williamson --- “With Component Based Development (CBD), we are trying to raise plagiarism to a science, to make it systematic.“ - Paul Bassett



Clifford R. Kettemborough, Ph.D. 

Personal Home Page

Author's Background Research Interests HCI (Human Computer Interaction)

Courses Taught for UCLA Extension Teaching Career Wisdom Peers and Students Participation

Universities and Research References Suggestions, Comments, Feedback Important Notes

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Author's Background

This section contains general information (brief resume/biography) about the author.

Author's Biography
Professional Organizations

Research Interests Section Index

This section contains links to research areas of interest, selected vendors and products, bibliography, definitions, glossary, white papers, articles reviews, etc.

General Information, White Papers, Tutorials, News 
Vendors and Products 
White Papers 

HCI (Human Computer Interaction) Section Index

This is the main section of this home page that contains HCI-related links, bibliography, definitions, analysis and evaluation methods, articles review, etc.

HCI-related Links 
HCI Bibliography 
HCI Articles Review

Teaching Career Section Index

This section contains information about all courses and schools the author taught for or study at over the years:

Courses Taught (Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Information Systems, Business and Management)
Azusa Pacific University 
Chapman University 
California State University, Los Angeles
Claremont Graduate School and Colleges
California American University 
DeVry Institutte of Technology 
Institute of Computer Technology 
Keller Graduate School of Management 
Los Angeles Valley College 
National University 
Nova Southeastern University 
Pacific Western University 
Pasadena City College
Pepperdine University 
The Union Institute 
Mount Sierra College
University of La Verne 
University of Phoenix 
University of Redlands 
UCI Extension
UCLA Extension 
University of Santa Barbara, California 
West Coast University 
Woodbury University

Wisdom Section Index

This section contains a series of items that can be generally classified as "wisdom" that author gathered over the years of life experience:

Murphy's Laws
Famous Sayings
List of Professional Magazines
List of Famous Mathematicians
History of Computers
Comprehensive History of Computers and Internet

Peers and Students Participation

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Faculty Peers 

Universities and Research References

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Clifford R. Kettemborough

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