Code Inspection Reports (TMOD 942)

Navigation (Section 312)

    1. ODP/DPTRAJ/MOPS (Y2K Inventory #183, #186, #191)
    2. Navigation Utilities (Y2K Inventory #190)
    3. Navigation Libraries (Y2K Inventory #189)
    4. Navigation Real-Time Software (Y2K Inventory #177)
      1. Part 1 (YDC Summary)
      2. Part 2 (YDC Summary)
    5. Reports (MS Word .doc files):
    6. MultiMission Navigation (Y2K Inventory #187) - (UNIX-based tool)
    7. MultiMission Navigation (Y2K Inventory #187) - YDC Summary
    8. Math77 (YDC) (Y2K Inventory #77)
    9. Math77 (UNIX-based tool) (Y2K Inventory #77)
  2. OPNAV (Y2K Inventory # 192)
  3. DS-1/AutoNav (Y2K Inventory #1168)
    1. SPICE Library (Y2K Inventory #188)
    2. NAIF (Y2K Inventory #188) - (YDC Summary)
    1. Satellite (Y2K Inventory #185) - (UNIX-based tool)
    2. SSDPS  (Y2K Inventory #184)
    3. Horizon  (Y2K Inventory #680)
    4. Small Bodies (Y2K Inventory #1442)
  6. ARGOS (Y2K Inventory #1467)
  7. LEXUS (Y2K Inventory #689)
  8. ARDVARC (Y2K Inventory #1167)
  9. RMDC (Y2K Inventory #193)
  10. Navigation Realtime Software (Y2K Inventory #177)

Calibration (Section 335)

DSN Tracking (Allied Signal)

  1. Metric and Pointing Assembly Software (Y2K Inventory #175)
  2. Metric and Tracking Assembly Software (Y2K Inventory #176)
  3. Sequential Ranging Assembly Software (Y2K Inventory #179)
  4. Block II Metric Data Assembly Software (Y2K Inventory #677)
  5. Radio Science IF-VF Downconverter Controller (Y2K Inventory #683)

DSN Tracking (Section 333)

  1. Multibus II Communications Controller
  2. Subsystem Control and Monitor Assembly

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