Lessons-Learned #3

  Now, the problem was, like with any tool or skills you learn, I have started enjoying it, and being curious to add more things, "bells and whistles". And this is why (partially) I get this entire assignment in (couples of days) late.

  However, now looking back, it has been a very interesting and valuable experience, and if more time would be given I think I can add, and add, and add more and more things to it.

  So, like in learning anything else, there is no one way to go, one tool to use, and one experience to go though. However, as always, the earlier you can start and the better information and (especially) tools you use, the best and faster, and reliable results you'll have.

  Another good advice I would give to anyone is to use the Nova's common library of graphics, pictures, etc. It helped me a lot, and I was able to build something that myself I'm proud of.

 Never underestimate any tasks and keep in mind the "Murphy's Laws". And especially the one that says: "Murphy was an optimist!"

  Now, first time the opportunity will arise to one of the schools where I am an adjunct faculty to teach an HTML, Internet, or Web site creation class, I would love to do it!

  I also hope that all my lessons will be useful to anyone getting to my home page and follow this:"Wise men learn by other men’s mistakes, fools by their own." - H. G. Wells

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at clifford@scis.nova.edu

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(Because I'm STILL learning!!!...)

"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them." - Mark Twain